You are going to be way ahead of the game just for choosing to read this. First off, you need to know the difference between the CONSCIOUS MIND and the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. Your Conscious Mind is that part of your mind that you are aware of. It is what you use to decide things. You made a conscious decision to read this. You are aware of all conscious decisions. Your Subconscious Mind is the part of you that you are not aware of. It is always working and it acts as the lens from which you view the world. "Which is in Control, The conscious mind always thinks that it is in control and to a certain extent it really is, but the subconscious mind (the part of you that you are not even consciously aware of)is having a huge impact on every aspect of your life. You Subconscious mind determines how you view the world. It is constantly working…. which means that it is constantly attracting and shaping your world. The subconscious mind is attracting to you every minute of the day even though you remain unaware of it’s desires. THE GOOD NEWS: The good news is that your conscious mind (the thoughts you are aware of) is what has programmed your subconscious mind. How it did this was through repetition.
How does this work with the Law of Attraction? Consider how you were brought up. All the things your parents and teachers told you repetitively are now living a life of their own in your subconscious mind. Your views on money, health, love, fairness, religion, morals and just about everything were shaped early on in your life. Remember, your subconscious mind is programmed through repetition, so if you heard “money doesn't grow on trees” or “life is hard” over and over again, guess what your subconscious mind holds to be true? Your subconscious mind does not judge. It does not make decisions of any kind. It simply knows to be true what it was taught over and over again. SO WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT? Simple. Think about what you want, and repeat it over and over again. This is how you teach (or program) your subconscious mind. Using a subliminal video puts you on the fast track to re-programming your subconscious mind. It works by showing you pleasant images, with pleasant sounds and by flashing words onto the screen that are faster than your conscious mind can read. Sometimes hidden messages are used in the background sounds as well. This allows you to bypass your conscious mind and directly program your subconscious mind. WHY Do We Need To Bypass Our Conscious Mind? Your conscious mind questions things. It debates things. It doubts the truth of statements. This all inhibits the programming of your subconscious mind.
What I Recommend Begin with the free subliminal video here. This is a great starting place to training your subconscious mind. I have made the entire 5K Per Day Series available for just $20.
The ultimate in subliminal audio programming is of course Subliminal Studio, which gives you the ability to make your own subliminals to program your own mind with your own words. Do NOT be fooled into thinking that you can use a subliminal product just once. I’m sorry, but that is simply not true. REPTITION is the only way to train your subconscious mind. Practice makes perfect, and in the world of subliminal videos practice is as simple as watching a relaxing video. It really couldn’t be easier.
If you want to see all the videos that come in this series and read a brief description of each video - Click Here
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