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I paid $97 for these videos, and it was worth every penny! I am giving You free access to one of the videos so that you can train your subconscious mind and become a money magnet. If you can't afford the entire series (which I am practically giving away for $20 for the entire set)you can return to this page everyday and watch this video for free. The complete set provides you each video in the series in 4 different formats, including Flash, AVI (Windows Media Player), Mpeg4 (all MP4 Players) and Apple Quicktime (which works on both PC's and Macs). Yes, subliminal videos really do work.
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There is nothing down here because I am not making a loooong salesy page full of hype and promises. I know these videos work. That is why I can give you one for free. I know you will want to unleash the hidden potential inside of you and buy the entire set today. |